Convert Csv to Excel in Make

Converts a CSV file to Excel in Make.


Output Parameters




File Content

The content of result file.

It is a Base64 encoded content of result file.

Input Parameters





To allow your scenarios to get information from and send it to Plumsail Documents, you need to create a connection.

For more information on how to create a connection to Plumsail Documents, see the online Help.

Input type

Defines the source of the CSV.

CSV File or Raw CSV


The raw content of the source CSV file. You can extract file content from other apps like:

  • SharePoint

  • Salesforce

  • Box

  • OneDrive

  • Google Drive

  • Dropbox

  • SFTP

  • File System

List of apps

It is content of the source file.

Use First Line as Headers

Select Yes to read headers from the first line of the source CSV

If your CSV file has headers as a first line then select Yes.


Rename headers and specify types for columns.

The result XLSX column will have this type and a new name. If not specified, the type and name will be inferred from the column values.


Delimiter of columns. By default it’s a comma.

You can select from the following default values: Comma, Semicolon, Tab or Pipe.


Returns the first “n” rows

You can limit the number of returned rows from the source document.


The locale that will be applied to the source document.

Specify the locale in order to correctly parse currencies, dates and other depending values.


Download a source CSV file and use the output in the Convert CSV to Excel action, or apply raw CSV.

Convert CSV to Excel