Configure output file format and other settings

After you have finished working on the template, you proceed to the Configure template substep - Settings.

Settings of template substep

Here you customize the following settings:

Template mode

It is Testing by default. It means you will not be charged for executions of this process but result documents will have a Plumsail watermark. Change it to Production to remove the watermark.

Output filename

The filename of the result document.

You can insert values from your data using tokens. Their list is available by clicking { }.

Let us assume your data has property address. In this case, you can include it using token {{address}}. The tokens work in the same way as in document templates including value formatters.

Additionally, you can use predefined tokens:

  • {{@date}} - full current date with time,

  • {{@number}} - the current document number.

Output type

Type of the output file. By default, it is the same as your template but you can change it to PDF.

Add watermark

You can see this option if you selected PDF as an output type. Click on the Add watermark and upload a PNG image for your watermark. You will see the watermark configuration dialog:

Watermark dialog

You can specify position and opacity of your watermark.

Protect PDF

You can see this option if you selected PDF as an output type. It allows you to protect your PDF by setting a password, disabling printing, etc. Just click on the Protect PDF link and specify settings you need:

Protect PDF dialog

Once you finished configuration of the template you can proceed to add deliveries (email, OneDrive, eSignatures, etc). Just click the Save & Next button in the Configure template step.


The Timezone parameter defines the current date and time for the {{@date}} token.

It’s also applied to the format formatter when its output is a date.


Locale contains the default locale for the document so you can use the format formatter without specifying it in the template.

Document number index

The field allows you to change the current document number index. The process increments it with each run providing unique values for the {{@number}} token. You can set a custom one and the next run will use the incremented index.