Parse CSV

Parses a CSV file in Zapier and returns an array with each object corresponding to the CSV row.


Output Parameters





The collection of objects. Each object represents a CSV row and has properties corresponding to the CSV headers.

Each CSV header is represented by an output parameter. You can refer to a single item selecting it in the scenario.


Setup Parameters





Select the app.

Plumsail Documents

Action event

Select an action from the Plumsail Documents bundle.

Compress PDF document


To allow your zaps to get information from and send it to Plumsail Documents, you need to create a connection.

For more information on how to create a connection to Plumsail Documents, see the online Help.

Configure Parameters




Input type

Defines the source of the CSV.

CSV File or Raw CSV


The raw content of the source CSV file. You can extract file content from other apps like:

  • SharePoint

  • Salesforce

  • Box

  • OneDrive

  • Google Drive

  • Dropbox

  • SFTP

  • File System

Zapier apps

It is content of the source file.

CSV Headers

Comma separated headers. The output will have these headers for properties’ keys. Value will be taken from the corresponding column.

You need to specify the headers in the same order as in the CSV file. Ex.: Id, FirstName, LastName, Company, Email

Skip first Line

Select ‘Yes’ if your CSV has headers in the first row.

If your CSV file has headers as a first row the select ‘Yes’. In that case the action will start collecting the values from the second line of the CSV file. If you select ‘No’, or the empty value then the action will start collecting values from the first line of the CSV file.


Delimiter of columns. By default it’s a comma.

You can select from the following default values: Comma, Semicolon, Tab or Pipe


Returns the first “n” rows

You can limit the number of returned rows from the source document.


The locale that will be applied to the source document.

Specify the locale to correctly parse currencies, dates, and other dependent values. Different countries use different separators for numbers, and the action handles them correctly.


Download a source CSV file and use the output in the Parse CSV file action, or apply raw CSV.

Parse CSV file