icon Data Table

The Data Table is a control which allows you to add dynamic table to your forms.

Data Table control

You can set up how many columns the table has and their type, and the users will be able to add entries to this table.

Most configuration for Data Table can be done by editing individual column settings. To add a new column, simply click on the plus symbol:

Add column

This page contains a detailed description of the control properties and JavaScript samples, which you can use with this control.


Here you can find properties available for the Data Table control.


Specify text of the title that will appear next to the control.

Control's title

Can also toggle Title’s visibility on/off:

Hide control's title

Title can be changed directly on the form after a double click:

Edit control's title


This code will allow you to get or set the control’s title dynamically:

//returns the control's title as a string

//sets the control's title
fd.control('Control1').title = 'Last Name'


A unique identifier for the control.

Control's name

The Name property is used in JavaScript to select a specific control.


The Name property allows to work with the control via JavaScript code, like this:

    //can access the control using its Name:

For Ink Sketch, Data Table, and Likert Scale controls, the Name property is used to store data from submissions, and in Power Automate or Zapier automations.

Control's name


Do not change control’s Name after the form has been in use, or you might lose saved data or break your automation.


Define whether the control will be required to submit the form or not:

Control's required status

Required status can also be changed directly on the form via the Asterisk button:

Control's required status button on the form


This code allows you to get and set control’s required status

//returns the control's required status as true/false

//sets the control's required status
fd.control('Control1').required = true;


The property defines the width of the control in pixels.

If left blank, the control takes up the entire available width in the current grid cell.

Control's width

New Line

Allows to select where the new line will be added — at the Top or at the Bottom of the table.

Width and Grid Width property


Allows to select where the delete button will appear — in the first or in the last column.

Delete property


Change the formatting of the control’s title using these settings:

  • font size,

  • font color; use the color picker or enter the Hex color code,

  • font style: normal, bold, or italic.

Control's Title font size

Data Table column properties

Here you can find properties specifically related to the Data Table columns.


A unique identifier for the column.

Column Name property


Do not change a column’s name after the form has been in use, or you might lose saved data or break your automation.


Allows to set the title of the column.

Column Title property


Allows to set the column as mandatory for the record to be added.

Column Required property


The property defines the input type for the column. Available input types are:

  • String

  • Number

  • Currency

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • Date and Time

  • Dropdown

  • Masked Text

Column Type property


Allows you to set the width of the column.

Column Width property

The column can still be dragged by the user on the form to manually resize it:

Column Width drag

Number column properties

Here you can find properties specifically related to the Number type columns.


Specify the minimum and maximum values that a user can enter:

Column Min/Max properties

When a user enters a value outside the range, the value changes to the nearest valid value:

Column Range limit


Specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point a user can enter.

Column Precision properties


Specify whether to show the percent symbol next to the number:

Percents property


Percents property - Example

Spin buttons

Specify whether to show spin buttons for the control:

Spin buttons


Spin buttons - Example

Spin step

Specify the interval for adjusting the current value when using the spin buttons:

Step property

You can enter either an integer or a decimal number.

Currency column properties

Here you can find properties specifically related to the Currency type columns.


Specify the minimum and maximum values that a user can enter:

Column Min/Max properties

When a user enters a value outside the range, the value changes to the nearest valid value:

Column Range limit


Specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point a user can enter.

Column Precision properties


Specify the currency symbol:

Symbol property

The Symbol property overwrites the form regional formatting.

Spin buttons

Specify whether to show spin buttons for the control:

Spin buttons


Spin buttons - Example

Spin step

Specify the interval for adjusting the current value when using the spin buttons:

Step property

You can enter either an integer or a decimal number.

Masked Text column properties

Here you can find properties specifically related to the Masked Text type columns.


Specify the input mask:


The following mask rules are supported:

  • 0 - Digit. Accepts any digit between 0 and 9.

  • 9 - Digit or space. Accepts any digit between 0 and 9, plus space.

  • # - Digit or space. Like 9 rule, but allows also (+) and (-) signs.

  • L - Letter. Restricts input to letters a-z and A-Z. This rule is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in regular expressions.

  • ? - Letter or space. Restricts input to letters a-z and A-Z. This rule is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in regular expressions.

  • & - Character. Accepts any character. The rule is equivalent to S in regular expressions.

  • C - Character or space. Accepts any character. The rule is equivalent to . in regular expressions.

  • A - Alphanumeric. Accepts letters and digits only.

  • a - Alphanumeric or space. Accepts letters, digits and space only.

  • . - Decimal placeholder. The decimal separator will be gotten from the current culture.

  • , - Thousands placeholder. The display character will be gotten from the current culture.

  • $ - Currency symbol. The display character will be gotten from the current culture.

For more information and examples, check out Kendo MaskedTextBox rules.

JavaScript framework

In this section, you can find basic examples of how to work with the control using JavaScript.

If you are not familiar with the JavaScript framework, get started with the JavaScript basics.


The control is only accessible once the form is rendered, so all calls to the control must be inside fd.rendered event:

    //hide the control
    fd.control('Control1').hidden = true;
    //show the control
    fd.control('Control1').hidden = false;

Get or set control value

Get or set the Data Table control value. The control value is stored as an array of JavaScript objects, with properties for each column.

fd.control('Control1').value; // returns an array

// set value with array of objects:
var records = [{Date: new Date(), Text: 'Item A', Cost: 100 }, {Date: new Date(), Text: 'Item B', Cost: 200 }];
fd.control('Control1').value = records;

// add new record to the Data Table using columns' InternalNames:
var record = {Date: new Date(), Text: 'Item C', Cost: 300 };

Get HTML element

Access HTML element inside the control in order to modify it, hide it, or do something else.

//access control's HTML
var htmlControl = fd.control('Control1').$el;

Hide/show control

Hide a control from a user. The control value can still be accessed and changed with JavaScript.

//hide control
fd.control('Control1').hidden = true;

//show control
fd.control('Control1').hidden = false;

Configure widget

You can access the widget used by the control. The widget is based on Kendo UI Grid.

// get the widget

// change the widget's configuration
fd.control('Control1').widgetOptions = {
    sortable: false

widgetOptions is the same as widget.setOptions({}) but can be defined before widget initialization.

Filter control values

It is possible to filter displayed values dynamically with the following code:

    field: 'Column1',
    operator: 'eq',
    value: 'Test'

The supported operators are:

  • eq (equal to)

  • neq (not equal to)

  • isnull (is equal to null)

  • isnotnull (is not equal to null)

  • lt (less than)

  • lte (less than or equal to)

  • gt (greater than)

  • gte (greater than or equal to)

  • startswith

  • doesnotstartwith

  • endswith

  • doesnotendwith

  • contains

  • doesnotcontain

  • isempty

  • isnotempty

The last eight are supported only for string fields.

Based on Kendo’s dataSource filter property, check it out for more options.

Make control required

Make a control required or optional:

//make control required
fd.control('Control1').required = true;

//make control not required
fd.control('Control1').required = false;

Data Table validation

You can add a validation for a Data Table to verify the control’s data.

For instance, to make sure that a user has not added more than 10 records to the Data Table:

//make at least one record required
    name: 'Control1 validator',
    error: 'No more than 10 records are allowed',
    validate: function(value) {
        //change this number to allow more/less records
        if (value.length > 10) {
            return false;

        return true;


You can adjust the number in the code to allow more records or add other conditions for a more complex validation.

Column validation

You can add a validation for a Data Table column to verify the input data.

Make Data Table column record required

For instance, to limit the number of characters a user can enter:

fd.control('Control1').addColumnValidator('Column1', {
    error: 'No more than 20 characters are allowed',
    validate: function(value) {
        return (value.length <= 20)


You can adjust the number in the code to make more/less characters required or add other conditions for a more complex validation.

Populate Data Table with static data

To populate Data Table control with rows of data, use the following code:

//select the Data Table control to populate
var dt = fd.control('Control1');

//specify information for rows using columns' Name property
var dtRows = [{
        Product: 'Forms for SharePoint Online',
        Price: 599,
        Subscription: true,
        Date: new Date()
        Product: 'Charts for Office365',
        Price: 399,
        Subscription: false,
        Date: new Date()

//assign rows to Data Table
dt.value = dtRows;

Populate Data Table from external data source

You can populate the data table from a file that is publicly available:

async function externalFile() {
    const data = $.get('https://plumsail.com/assets/forms/data/source.json')
    return data;
    fd.control('Control1').value = JSON.parse(data)

The same way, you can populate the control from any external data source: a web service or a file.

Populate column value for new row

To populate column values for each new row in a Data Table control, use the following code:

//select the Data Table control to automatically populate new rows
var dt = fd.control('Control1');

dt.widget.bind('beforeEdit', function(e) {
    var model = e.model;
    if (model.isNew()) {
        model.set('Name', 'John Smith');
        model.set('Email', 'jsmith@mycompany.com');

Populate Dropdown column options

To populate dropdown column of a Data Table control dynamically, use the code:

var dt = fd.control('Control1');

const populateDropDown = widget => widget.setDataSource({
    data: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear']

dt.$on('edit', (e) => {
    const editMode = e.sender.getOptions().editable.mode;
    //populate drop-down in a pop-up window for mobile devices
    if (editMode === 'popup') {
        const dropDown = e.container.find('input[name=Column1]').data('kendoDropDownList');
        //populate drop-down for desktop/tablet
    } else {
        if (e.column.field === 'Column1') {

Retrieve extra columns from the Excel data source

Use the following code to retrieve Extra column values from Excel for the selected option in the dropdown column:

var dt = fd.control('Control1');
//get column values of the first row
var row1 = dt.value[0]
//get extra columns value in single selection mode
//get extra columns value in multiple selection mode

To populate other columns with extra columns value, use this code:

var dt = fd.control('Control1');
dt.$on('change', value => {
    if (value) {
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            value[i].set('Column1', value[i].__ColumnName.props.ExtraColumnName || 0);

Set fields based on other fields

Sometimes, you might want to set fields automatically, without direct user input:

Set fields based on other fields

For example, the product prices are not something a user should be able to change. Instead, they can be set dynamically, depending on the selected product.

We’ll use a simple JS Object to store product prices, and automatically set unit price on product selection. Here is the code:

//we store prices in JS object
var merch = {};
//use bracket notation to accurately copy dropdown values
merch['Baseball cap'] = 9.99;
merch['T-shirt'] = 19.99;
merch['Key chain'] = 4.99;

var dt = fd.control('Control1');

//get a column by its name
const unitPriceColumn = dt.columns.find(c => c.field === 'UnitPrice');
//make column read-only
unitPriceColumn.editable = () => false;

dt.$on('change', function(value) {
    if (value) {
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            // populate UnitPrice column
            value[i].set('UnitPrice', merch[value[i].Product] || 0);

Calculate total for a row

Calculate total for a row:

Calculate total for the Data Table

Here is the code:

var merch = {};
merch['Baseball cap'] = 9.99;
merch['T-shirt'] = 19.99;
merch['Key chain'] = 4.99;

var dt = fd.control('Control1');

// make LineTotal column (4th column) read-only
dt.columns[3].editable = function() {
    return false

dt.$on('change', function(value) {
    if (value) {
        // go through each row one by one
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            // set the default values
            if (!value[i].Product) {
                value[i].set('Product', 'Baseball cap');
            if (!value[i].Quantity) {
                value[i].set('Quantity',  1);

            // populate UnitPrice column
            value[i].set('UnitPrice', merch[value[i].Product] || 0);

            // calculate total for the row
            value[i].set('LineTotal', value[i].Quantity * value[i].UnitPrice || 0);


If you’re getting an incorrect value in one of your fields, for example, in OrderTotal, make sure that the an appropriate precision is selected:

Column Precision properties

Calculate total for an entire table

Calculate total for the Amount and Line Total columns:

Calculate total for the Data Table

// make TotalPrice fields read-only
fd.field('TotalPrice').disabled = true;

var dt = fd.control('Control1');

dt.$on('change', function(value) {
    //variable to count total
    var priceTotal = 0.0;
    //if there are records in the table
    if (value) {
        //go through each row one by one
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            //calculate total for columns
            if (value[i].LineTotal) {
                priceTotal += parseFloat(value[i].LineTotal);
    //set the TotalPrice fields to the calculated values
    fd.field('TotalPrice').value = priceTotal;

Add a button to duplicate row

You can add a button to Data Table rows, which will allow you to duplicate them, like this:

Button to duplicate row

Use the following code:

//select the Data Table control to add new column to
var dt = fd.control('Control1');
var columns = dt.widget.options.columns;
var customRowDataItem = null;
var isCustomAdd = false;

//specify what the column will be like
    command: {
        text: 'Copy row',
        iconClass: 'k-icon k-i-copy',
        click: function(e) {
            customRowDataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest('tr'));
            isCustomAdd = true;
    columns: columns
dt.widget.bind('edit', function(e) {
    if (isCustomAdd && e.model.isNew()) {
        isCustomAdd = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
            var field = columns[i].field;
            if (field) {
                e.model.set(field, customRowDataItem[field]);

Add custom button to toolbar

Add a custom button to the toolbar of the Data Table control by changing the Kendo UI Grid toolbar configuration:

var dt = fd.control('Control1');
    toolbar: ['create', {
        name: 'custom-button',
        text: 'Button Name'
$('.k-grid-custom-button').click(function(e) {
    alert('Button clicked!');