Sharing web forms created with Plumsail Forms

Account Settings

You can open Account Settings by clicking on your user icon:

Open Account settings

Inside, you can change your username, email, domain for your forms, as well as Reset Password and Delete the Account:

Account settings

In Teams section, you can invite other users to collaborate:

Account settings Team

Sharing pages

Request a review

This sharing link won’t be available until the form is reviewed:

Request form review

The reviews are done manually by our support team in order to ensure no malicious forms are shared this way.

Review usually only takes a few hours on a business day, but can take longer if submitted during a weekend. Adding any changes to the form after the review is complete will require a new review.


The following items will prevent your form from passing a review:

  • Faking other websites or e-mail messages (website spoofing)

  • Login forms (login spoofing) and password collection

  • Empty forms or landing pages without form fields

  • Missing or nonobvious submit button

  • Credit card info collection

Once your account is approved, your forms will no longer need a review before sharing. To get your account approved, you must first design a few forms that will be approved after a review, purchase a subscription, then write to us at to approve your account.

Customize sharing page

To customize a sharing page, go to your Plumsail Account → Forms → Pages section and click Add page:

Add page for sharing

Once you click it, you’ll be greeted with the following screen:

New page creation

Here, you can configure sharing page to your liking and change its appearance to match your company’s or personal style.

If you select Make default for this page, you’ll be able to share any form with this page, via links in the Forms section of your account:

Links to forms

Title field is mandatory and its required to identify each sharing page that you have. You can also change the Logo and add a link to it, so when users click on the logo, it redirects them to your site. Adjust Header where the logo is placed by switching header color or the pattern, where you can choose from many options. Choose Body background - either a solid color or an image.

You can upload your own image or select one of existing in image gallery:

Background image gallery

Customize the text that appears above the form.

Finally, you can also adjust Footer’s background color, text color and what text will appear in the footer.

With all that done, save the page.

After saving you’ll get some extra options. For once, you’ll be able to Save as or Delete the page. You’ll also finally get an option to Share the page:

Share or quit

When you click Share, you’ll be able to choose which form to share and copy the URL for sharing:

Select form for sharing and copy its URL

And here’s the page that I’ve created in just a couple of minutes with a simple form:

Final page


To actually work with the data, please, check out our Collecting data from submissions article, or read about handling data in MS Power Automate or Zapier.

Embedding forms


Powerful website building platform with lots of templates to choose from. Find out how you can embed forms on your Wix website.

Editor X

New project from Wix for more advanced and responsive sites. Find out how you can embed forms on your Editor X website.


All-in-one solution for anyone looking to create a beautiful website. Find out how you can embed forms on your Squarespace website.


Free online website builder with easy to use drag-and-drop interface and a web store integration. Find out how you can embed forms on your Weebly website.


One of the most popular free and open-source content management platforms in the world. Find out how you can embed forms on your Wordpress website.


A free and open-source content management framework with robust features and flexible design. Find out how you can embed forms on your Drupal website.


A free and open-source content management system for publishing web content. Find out how you can embed forms on your Joomla! website.


Flexible and modular builder for websites, stores, landings and more. Find out how you can embed forms on your Flexbe website.


An intuitive website builder based on blocks of content. Find out how you can embed forms on your Tilda website.


One of the most used social media platforms in the world. Find out how you can embed forms on your Facebook page.


One of the greatest and most well-known platforms to host a blog. Find out how you can embed forms on your Blogger site.


A popular platform for microblogging and sharing GIFs. Find out how you can embed forms in your Tumblr blog.


An eCommerce platform that allows anyone to set up an online store and sell products. Find out how you can embed forms on your Shopify website

Custom website

You can publish Public Web Form to any webpage on your own site or anywhere else on the web, where you can edit the HTML and add our widget.

The widget can be found in Sharing Settings in the designer where you can copy it to clipboard:

Copy Form Widget snippet in Sharing Settings

After copying the widget, simply insert it as HTML to your page and the form will be published, ready to receive submissions:

Public Web Form Published

Find the detailed description of Plumsail.Forms arguments in Widget section of JavaScript framework.

Access management

Normally, a web form can be completed and submitted by anyone, but you can require users to authenticate via Microsoft Account:

Restrict to a domain

Here you can configure the following options:

  • Enable access to authenticated users only

  • Allow users to submit the form just once

  • Allow users to edit their submissions

  • Provide access to the form to specific Microsoft 365 groups or users

Find more in Manage users in public web forms.