Installation for Microsoft 365


Download the add-in from our website.

Org Chart is a SharePoint Framework add-in that allows you to visualize organization structure on both classic and modern SharePoint pages. Unfortunately, SharePoint Store doesn’t support the installation of SharePoint Framework add-ins. That is why you need to install add-in manually.

You have to be a SharePoint administrator to complete the installation. If you don’t see some menus from the instruction below, most likely you are not a SharePoint administrator. Please contact your administrator to assist with the installation.

Navigate to SharePoint Admin Center and go to More featuresApps

SharePoint Apps

Navigate to Manage apps and upload Add-in package that you downloaded at the beginning of this instruction (you need to upload the entire .sppkg file without unpacking it):

Upload app to catalog

You need to select Enable this app and add it to all sites and Add to Teams in the popup window and click Enable app. Once you did this you can add a web part to a page.

OrgChart enable app

If you don’t want to make this app availalbe on all sites, you will need to add app to each site manually.


You need to take some additional steps to enable the Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) data source. Please check it here.

Adding to SharePoint page

Navigate to the page where you want to add an org chart.


If you use “Classic” SharePoint pages follow this instruction to add web part to a page.

Pick Plumsail Org Chart web part from the menu to add it to your page:

Add web part

Once you added the web part you can configure it.

Adding to Microsoft Teams

Add a new tab.

Add MS Teams tab

Then search for Plumsail Org Chart, select it and save the settings.

Add MS Teams tab

Once you have added the tab, open the configuration wizard and proceed to configuration.


  1. Download the add-in from our website.

  2. Navigate to Apps for SharePoint and upload Add-in package that you downloaded at the beginning of this instruction (you need to upload the entire .sppkg file without unpacking it):

Upload app to catalog
  1. The package version will be updated after that.