How to customize view of columns in List or Library control

Starting with version 2.0.4, Plumsail Forms supports column formatters in the List or Library control. Besides SharePoint formatting, you can add custom column formatting to customize how columns in List or Library control are displayed:

Custom mode

The possibilities of custom formatters are almost endless, in this article we’re going to show some of the possible customizations. Add a code snippet from this article to the Custom property and see how it works:

Custom mode code

Display numeric fields as progress bars

One customization option is to turn numeric field into a progress bar, which can be useful for Task List as an example:

Progress bar column

Use the following code, just replace PercentComplete with the Internal name of the number column:

const value = ctx.row.PercentComplete;
if (!value) {
    return '';

const width = value.replaceAll('%', '').replaceAll(' ', '');
return `
<span style="width:${width}px;text-align:center;padding: 5px 2px;display: block;border-top: 2px solid #0078d4;"></span>
<span style="left: 0;">${value}</span>`;

Send e-mail to a user specified in User field

You might want to be able to email users in List or Library. Customize column to add an email button to the usernames in the column:

Send email via column

Use the following code, just replace AssignedTo with the Internal name of the User column:

const value = ctx.row.AssignedTo;
const {row, listId, webUrl} = ctx;
const baseUrl = `https://${}${webUrl.length > 1 ? webUrl : ''}`;
const formUrl = `${baseUrl}/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListId=${listId}&ID=${row.ID}`;

if (!value) {
    return '';
return => {
        return '<div style="white-space: nowrap;">' +
            '<a target="_blank" style="padding-right:8px;"data-interception="off" href="/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=' +
   + '">' + v.title + '</a>' + '<a href="mailto:' + +
            '?subject=Task status&amp;body=Hey, how is your task coming along?.%0D%0A---%0D%0AClick this link for more info. ' +
            encodeURIComponent(formUrl) + '" rel="noopener noreferrer " tabindex="0">' +
            '<i data-icon-name="Mail" class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--Mail" style="vertical-align: middle;"></i>' +
    .join(', ');

Highlight overdue dates

Want to make sure that the tasks are completed on time? Highlight overdue dates like this:

Highlight due date column

Use the following code, just replace TaskDueDate and Status with the Internal names of your columns:

const value = ctx.row.TaskDueDate;
if (!value) {
    return '';
return new Date(value) < new Date() && ctx.row.Status !== 'Completed'
    ? `<span style="color:red">${value}</span>`
    : `<span>${value}</span>`;

Open lookup fields in a dialog

You can also specify how to open the items linked in lookup fields, for example, open them in dialog:

Open lookup in dialog

Use the following code, just replace Predecessors with the Internal name of the Lookup column:

const value = ctx.row.Predecessors;
if (!value) {
    return '';
return => {
        return '<a target="_blank" data-interception="off" ' +
            'onclick="window[\'' + ctx.openDialogFuncName + '\'](\'' + ctx.field.DispFormUrl +
            '&ID=' + v.lookupId + '\'); return false;" ' +
            'href="' + ctx.field.DispFormUrl + '&ID=' + v.lookupId + '">' + v.lookupValue + '</a>';
    .join(', ');

Star rating

Replace the value of a number column with a star rating. You can use any other icon instead of the star:

Star rating

Use the following code, just replace Rating with the internal name of the Number column:

const value = ctx.row.Rating;
if (!value) {
    return '';

const starFill = '<i data-icon-name="FavoriteStarFill" class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--FavoriteStarFill" style="vertical-align: middle;padding-right:2px;color: gold;font-size: 20px;"></i>'
const star = '<i data-icon-name="FavoriteStar" class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--FavoriteStar" style="vertical-align: middle;padding-right:2px;color: gold;font-size: 20px;"></i>'
return starFill.repeat(value) + star.repeat(5 - value);

Change background color

Change the background color depending on the value of the number column:

Number color

Use the following code, just replace Price with the Internal name of the Number column:

const value = ctx.row.Price;
if (!value) {
    return '';

const color = value < 100 ? '#ceede9' : (value < 200 ? '#fcecc2' : '#f5bcc4');
return `<div style="display: flex; border-block-color: grey; margin: 10px; font-size:18px; width: 50px; height: 30px; background-color:${color}; border-radius: 10px; justify-content: center;">$${value}</div>`

Apply customization to multiple columns

You don’t have to customize one column at a time. Mix and match, and customize multiple columns at the same time:

Use the following code in JavaScript editor to achieve the results for multiple columns at once:

fd.spRendered(() => {
    fd.control('Control1').templates = {
        // Template for PercentCompleted field
        PercentComplete: ctx => {
            // code of your template
            return 'html';
        // Template for AssignedTo field
        AssignedTo: ctx => {
            // code of your template
            return 'html';
        TaskDueDate: ctx => {
            // code of your template
            return 'html';
        Predecessors: ctx => {
            // code of your template
            return 'html';