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Sometimes, you might want to save the item you are working with, start Flow (or Workflow) and see results of the Flow straight away.
For this, we will show you how you can configure both the Flow and the forms to achieve this result.
First, we’ll create a List. I’ll call it FlowList in just one word, but you can give it a different name.
What’s important is that it must include two Yes/No columns, I’ve called one StartFlow and the other FlowFinished, all without spaces:
Make sure both columns have default value of No. We’re going to use these fields in our Flow.
Go to Flow, create an automated flow, which starts when SharePoint item (not file) is created or modified:
Then, fill out the information about the list we’ve just created and add a condition, where you need to check value of StartFlow field.
Use Expression tab to populate with real true value:
Then, you only need to add anything to Yes part, the No part can remain empty - there is nothing to execute.
I’ve added a small delay in mine, you don’t have to, though you can do it for experiment, but I don’t recommend delay larger than 3 seconds - it takes much longer to execute in practice. You can just skip it. This is the place where you’ll put real actions when running in production.
And in the end, make sure to update the item (use the ID from the trigger), and set FlowFinished to Yes, while I also update Title to make it more obvious:
Now, we’ll need to build the forms and customize their JS to make this possible.
First of all, we’re going to create New and Display Form - they don’t need much, simply drop Title field into them:
Open the Edit Form for the List. I’ve added Title and StartFlow field, but I’ve hidden StartFlow with the following Style property:
Since it’s hidden, users won’t modify it manually.
I’ve also added Start Flow button, but we’ll populate the Click code afterwards.
Next, you need to create a new Form Set for waiting. Don’t need to select any groups or priority, just give it a name:
In Waiting Form Set, modify the Display Form only. I didn’t add any fields, just two Plain Text controls:
More important is the code here. It will use Interval timer to execute requests to the list and check FlowFinished field for the current item. Once the FlowFinished field is set to Yes, it will redirect users to Display Form. It will also play a small “animation” while waiting - each time a request is sent, the dots will update - this is optional, but at least gives user knowledge that something is happening.
Here’s the code:
fd.toolbar.hidden = true;
//we use Interval timer to send requests checking Flow completion
var timer = setInterval(checkFlowStatus, 1000);
function checkFlowStatus(){
//optional animation call
//use List title and column's Internal Name here
if (item.FlowFinished) {
//use URL of your own site/list
window.location.href = '' + fd.itemId;
//optional animation function
function playAnimation(){
var dotsCount = (fd.control('Text1').text.match(/\./g) || []).length;
if(dotsCount < 3){
fd.control('Text1').text = fd.control('Text1').text + '.';
fd.control('Text1').text = fd.control('Text1').text.replace(/\./g, "");
You also need to configure Routing code in JavaScript editor → Custom routing - we’ll use localStorage of the browser to store if the flow has started or not, and we’ll check it so that the user’s are redirected to the correct form set:
if (localStorage.getItem('startFlow') == '1'){
localStorage.setItem('startFlow', 0);
//redirect to this form set, copy ID and replace it in the code:
return 'a539eec7-1669-45be-b960-6ab96ceae1a2';
You can check the ID of the form set in the lower part of the editor, and use the copy button to copy it:
Finally, return to the default Form Set’s Edit Form we’ve created in the beginning and populate Click property with the following code:
fd.field('StartFlow').value = true;
fd.spSaved(function(result) {
//set localStorage variable for routing check
localStorage.setItem('startFlow', '1');
//redirect to display form
var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id
var itemId = result.Id;
//simply replace this URL with yours:
//PageType=4 means Display Form
result.RedirectUrl =
+ listId + "&ID=" + itemId;
This is it!
Now, you can open Edit Form in your browser and try starting the Flow.
If you want to run SharePoint Workflow instead - it’s very easy! You just need to configure the Workflow instead.
Create a new Workflow for the List and make sure that it starts automatically when an item is changed:
Then, configure a similar condition which will check StartFlow (or StartWorkflow) field before applying any action:
Make sure to set FlowFinished (or WorkflowFinished) field to Yes, after finishing all the other actions in Workflow.