How to display version history in a SharePoint form

In this article, we’ll show you a basic example of how to display version history of an item on the form. You will be able to see who and when modified an item.

We’re also going to showcase Vue components and their potential use.


Create your SharePoint form, in this case I’ve created something simple like this:

Form in editor

I’ve added Tab Control and placed HTML control on the second tab:

Second tab and HTML control

This HTML control is important - it will contain our Version history, I’ve used the following HTML code:

<version-history />

Copy and paste this code to ensure that the following JS code works for you as well!

Tracking item changes

Since our forms are built with Vue.js it’s possible to create and mount custom components to the form.

For example, this component will detect who and when made changes to the form and display it in our HTML control:

Vue.component('version-history', {
    template: '<div><p v-for="(entry, i) in entries">v{{entry.version}} was created at {{}} by {{entry.user}}</p></div>',
    data: function() {
        return {
            entries: []
    mounted: function() {
        var self = this;
        var listUrl = fd.webUrl + fd.listUrl;
        var id = fd.itemId;
                self.entries = {
                    return {
                        version: v.VersionLabel,
                        date: new Date(v.Modified).toLocaleString(),
                        user: v.Editor.LookupValue

If you place this code inside JS editor it will automatically mount the component on form load, getting the result like this:

Version history on SharePoint Form

Tracking field changes

The following component will check fields for changes, and if any of observed fields had changed - will display so:

var observableFields = ['Title', 'VersionNumber', 'Description', 'Tags'];

Vue.component('version-history', {
    template: '<div><p v-for="(entry, i) in entries">{{entry.user}} modified {{entry.fields}} at {{}}</p></div>',
    data: function() {
        return {
            entries: []
    mounted: function() {
        var self = this;
        var listUrl = fd.webUrl + fd.listUrl;
        var id = fd.itemId;
                var prevValues = {};

                self.entries = versions
                    .map(function(v) {
                        var changedFields = [];
                        observableFields.forEach(function (f) {
                            var curValue = JSON.stringify(v[f]);
                            if (prevValues[f] !== curValue) {
                                prevValues[f] = curValue;

                        if (changedFields.length > 0) {
                            return {
                                fields: changedFields.join(', '),
                                date: new Date(v.Modified).toLocaleString(),
                                user: v.Editor.LookupValue

                        return null;
                    .filter(function(v) { return Boolean(v) })

And here’s how it will look like in SharePoint:

Field changes in Version history