Automatically scale boxes to fit visible area for Org Chart in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams


This post is actual for Org Chart since version 2.2.24

In this tip I will describe how to automatically resize boxes to fit visible area of the web part. If you have many employees in your org chart it could look like this:

Boxes are outside

As you can see some of the boxes are outside of visible area. I will show how to automatically scale boxes to fit web part:

Boxes fit web part

Just open the configuration wizard by clicking gears at the top right corner of the web part. Then click Settings. Switch to Custom JavaScript step and put the code below into code editor:

renderer.onInitialLoadingFinished(function () {


  var $pochContent = renderer.querySelector(".poch-content")
  var $viewPort = renderer.querySelector(".poch-control").children().first();
  var viewPort = $viewPort[0];
  var topOffset = 20;
  var currentZoom = 1;

  function adjustWidth() {

    var realViewPortWidth = viewPort.scrollWidth * currentZoom;
    var contentWidth = $pochContent.width();

    if (realViewPortWidth > contentWidth) {

      currentZoom = currentZoom - 0.1;
      if (currentZoom > 0) {
    } else {
      renderer.dataProvider.getRootItemId(function (rootId) {

  setTimeout(adjustWidth, 50);


Then finish the wizard. This script calculates visible area, and resizes org chart until it fits width of visible area.