Embed Plumsail web form on a Squarespace site

You can add a Plumsail web form to a Squarespace site in just a couple of easy steps with the help of our Widget:


Squarespace Business and Commerce plans only

  1. Design a form to publish
  2. Login to your Squarespace account
  3. Select the site where you want to publish a form
  4. Go to page you want to publish the form on and edit the page:
    Edit a page
  5. Click Add → search for code → add Code block:
    Add code
  6. Copy widget snippet from your form’s settings:
    Copy Form Widget snippet in Sharing Settings
  7. Paste the snippet into the Code’s Content on a Squarespace site:
    Paste snippet into content
  8. Your form will then appear on a Squarespace site and will be ready to go:
    The form is ready to roll