Add PDF watermark to PDF document using Power Automate

This is the third article in our “How to use Watermarks” series. We hope these articles will help you to get the best out of watermarking PDFs using Plumsail Documents in Power Automate (Microsoft Flow).

Before we dive in, here is where we are in our “How to use Watermarks” series:

  1. How to use an image type watermark to automatically add a company logo to PDF files and save them in a new folder.

  2. How to use a text type watermark to prevent documents dissemination.

  3. How to use a PDF type watermark to add a watermark with a specific design to PDF documents generated on submitting a form.

Add watermark to PDF action supports a few types of watermarks  —  Text, Image, and PDF:

Selection of the watermark type

So, let us have a look at how to add a PDF type watermark to a document.

Use another PDF file to add a watermark with a specific design

With this type of watermark, you have full control over the position, size, opacity, and other properties of your watermarks. And you can save them for reuse.

In our example, we will collect data from a Plumsail Form, apply the data to our template, generate a new PDF document, and add a watermark to the document.

Here is the final document that we will get. It has a repeating pattern on the background and a large text that says “Confidential”.

Confidential application form


Our source and result documents have to be stored somewhere. In this example, we store our documents in OneDrive. You can store your source file anywhere.

We need to create a Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) that will be triggered by a Plumail Form submission. The flow will get the template from OneDrive, apply data from a submitted Plumail form to this template, convert the generated document to PDF, add a watermark to it, and save it to OneDrive. This is how our complete flow looks like:

Use another PDF file to add a watermark with a specific design

Create the flow

Form is submitted

We’ve already created a Plumsail form and we will use data from its submission in our flow. If you haven’t created a form yet, you can learn how to design and publish a Plumsail Form here.

Below is a screenshot of our form:

Plumsail Form

To use it you need:

Design forms Import forms

To start the flow on form submission we search for Plumsail Forms in MS Flow and add Plumsail Forms  —  Form is submitted trigger.

If this is your first Flow with Plumsail Forms, at this point you’ll need to Sign into Plumsail Account from MS Flow, so you can start using your forms inside your flows.

You’ll need to select your form name in the dropdown list.

Get file content

This action gets file content of the specified file from OneDrive. We use this action to read a .DOCX template. You can use any other connector to get files from your system.

Get file content

Below is our template. You may download it here.

Application Template

Plumsail Word DOCX templates use a different approach than most other templating solutions. It uses a minimal amount of syntax to make your work done.

In short, the templating engine thinks that everything between these {{ }} brackets is variables where it will write the data you specified in Template data.

Read this article to get familiar with the templating engine.

Create DOCX Document from Template

This is an action from the Plumsail Documents connector. This action is suitable for creating documents from a template. You can find more information about the action by visiting this page.

Create DOCX Document from Template

There are two parameters:

1. Template file

In the first parameter Template file, we specified the output of the previous action as a template.

2. Template data

In the second parameter Template data, we specified data to apply to the template in JSON format:

Application Form Data

This object contains information from our form. We selected the content from the output of Form is submitted action in the menu on the right.

Convert DOCX to PDF

This is also an action from the Plumsail Documents connector.

Just put DOCX file content from the output of the previous action and receive PDF file content as an output from this action.

Convert DOCX to PDF

You can find more information about this action here.

Get watermark file content

Get the file you are going to use as the watermark. We store it in OneDrive. You can use any other connector to get files from your system.

Get watermark file content

Add a watermark to PDF

This is an action from the Plumsail Documents connector.

If this is your first time using the Plumsail Documents connector, Power Automate will request the Connection Name and API Key.

Create connection in Power Automate flow

You can type any name for the connection, for example Plumsail Documents.

Once the connection name is filled out, create an API key in your Plumsail Account, copy and paste it into the Access Key field, and then click Create.

Copying an API key from the account

Choose PDF type of the watermark. Put File content from the output of the Convert DOCX to PDF action into the Document content field, and the File content from the previous action into the Watermark PDf document field.

We set the layer of the overlay file. You may check detailed information on how to use these and other settings here.

Add a watermark to PDF

Create file

Create a file in another folder. We used Create file action from OneDrive connector, but you can save your file in any other cloud service.

Create file

So, here is our result document:

Confidential application form


We hope this series of articles on using Add watermark to PDF action will help you to ascertain the proper use of your PDF documents. If you haven’t used Plumsail Documents yet, registering an account would be the first step. It is quite easy to get started.