JavaScript editor and global variables

Use the JavaScript editor to customize the JavaScript for the entire form:

JavaScript editor

The code entered in the editor is executed after the form is loaded.

The following predefined global variables can be used directly from the JavaScript editor:


Add variable to the global window to make it available in the browser’s console:

window.fd = fd;
window.$ = $;

fd.spRendered(function() {
    //your custom code


fd is a Form Manager that provides access to all events, containers, controls, fields, validators, and data of the form.

Whenever you want to manipulate your form, you must call the manager first.

// the form is ready
fd.spRendered(function() {
    // and its fields are available to get/set value
    fd.field('Title').value = 'New Title';


$ allows you to access jQuery library. It can be used to apply direct changes to DOM, hide and show fields, and much more.

// hide fields by CSS class

// change input background color
$(fd.field('Field1').$el).find('input').css('background-color', 'red');


Allows to open any other form in dialog, pass parameters to it, detect if it was saved or not, and pass parameters back.

var listId = 'fc0bff2b-b78c-4aad-956d-b58af48b45fd';

//open New form in a dialog'' + listId, { args: 'something' });

Learn more about how to work with the Dialog variable in the Manage dialog window article.


PnPjs library for SharePoint REST services (within current site)

//get all items from a list
pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle('List Name').items.get().then(function(items){
    //log all items in the browser console

Find practical examples in the PnPjs Library article.


Allows to create Web instances directly using with the URL to use as a base.

//specify your site URL
var siteURL = '';
let web = new Web(siteURL);


Allows to create Site instances directly using with the URL to use as a base.

//specify your site URL
var siteURL = '';
let site = new Site(siteURL);


Microsoft Graph API for calling Microsoft Graph rest services.

//get current user profile information {

Find more code examples of getting user profile properties information here.