This case introduces an innovative automation solution that liberates site managers from the time-consuming chase for signatures, enabling field employees to generate and dispatch flawless site reports promptly. Although we spotlight a construction site report as our primary example, the principles and automation logic detailed herein are universally applicable across various sectors requiring regular progress or outcome reporting from the field. Embrace this cutting-edge approach to ensure your team’s reporting is both timely and error-free, enhancing overall project management and operational efficiency.
Template preparation: Laying the foundation for automated reports
Establish the document generation process with Plumsail Documents
Configure output file parameters for optimal results
Integrate deliveries into the automation workflow
Initiate the site report creation process upon form submission
Comprehensive analysis of the submission form’s layout
Decipher the form structure for enhanced understanding
Conduct tests and deploy the on-site report automation system
Evaluate the impact: The success of site report automation