Zoho Sign delivery

The Zoho Sign delivery sends a resulting document to Zoho Sign for signing.

On the first step, connect to your Zoho Sign account from the Plumsail account.

Connect to Zoho Sign

Then, you’ll see the Zoho Sign delivery settings.

Zoho Sign delivery settings

Let’s check the settings in detail.

Main settings

Fill in email subject and body. You can use tokens from the document template inside these fields to personalize them.

Zoho sign subject message

Add recipients and assign roles to them:

Roles of recipients in Zoho Sign delivery

Let’s review the advanced settings now.

Sequential signing, test mode, and more

Expand Advanced to customize more settings:

advanced DocuSign delivery settings

Here you can switch on Sequential signing, then just drag and drop recipients to define an order in which they should sign the document.

drag and drop recipients to change the sequence of signing

Also, you can set the expiration period, sending reminders and activate the Test mode.

When you activate the Test mode, you don’t spend the Zoho Sign API signature requests.


You’ll need to purchase one of the Zoho Sign API plans to be able to use all available features of the delivery.

Specify recipients dynamically based on your data

You may want to set recipients dynamically for each document. In this case, you can use tokens inside the Email field. Data passed to the process will define who will receive the document.

tokens inside DocuSign recipients

The token can contain not only one email address but the list of them comma- or semicolon-separated. Like this:

    "email": "Derek Clark <d.clark@contoso.com>; Jessica Adams <j.adams@contoso.com>"

Mind that if you put the list of recipients into the single field, the information you typed in the Name field will be skipped.

You can specify recipient names in the list by placing names before the email address.

name before email

Or you can omit that, and the email address will be displayed as a recipient name.

In case Sequential signing is enabled, the order in which recipients receive the document will be the same as in the list.

Zoho Sign tags

Zoho Sign delivery supports Signature tag. This tag is needed to indicate a signature locations. Let’s check how it works.

Add this tag {{Signature}:keep-token} to your template and this will define a place of the signature for the first recipient/signer.

To specify signature locations for other signers, use the tag {{Signature:Recipient2}:keep-token} where the number 2 means the number of the recipient/signer.


It’s not possible to use spaces in the recipient name, i.e. this is an incorrect tag {{Signature:FName LName}:keep-token}

As you noticed, we use the Signature tag with the keep-token formatter. The formatter lets the Plumsail Documents templating engine know that this tag is for another system (Zoho Sign in this case) and the templating engine will ignore it.

This is how the tag looks in the DOCX template.

Zoho Sign tags

This is the signature field in the Zoho Sign interface.

Zoho Sign tags

We recommend using white font for the Signature tag in the template to make it invisible to viewers.

Use tokens inside email subject and body

You can insert values from your data using tokens. Their list is available by clicking { }.

Let us assume your data has property address. In this case, you can include it using token {{address}}. The tokens work in the same way as in document templates including value formatters.

Additionally, you can use predefined tokens:

  • {{@date}} - full current date with time,

  • {{@number}} - the current document number.