Use Make

Introduction to Make

Make (ex-Integromat) allows you to establish connections between your Processes and thousands of other web services, enabling seamless automation and data flow between different platforms.

The Make’s connections called Scenarios and usually consists of a Trigger and other actions.

Trigger collects the required information and sends it to other apps in the Scenario.

Certain applications that are integrated with Make offer both triggers and actions, while others provide either triggers or actions.

Plumsail Documents includes a trigger Watch Finished Process.

Watch Finished Process

And two actions: Start Document Generation Process and Make an API Call.

Make Plumsail Actions

Create Scenarios with Plumsail Documents

In Make, you have the ability to create customized documents using data from numerous applications. Let’s check an example of creating an invitation when a new event is added to the Microsoft 365 calendar.

Create an invitation from Microsoft 365 Calendar

When a new event is added to your Microsoft 365 Calendar, Make starts Plumsail documents generation process and creates an invitation from a DOCX template.

This scenario has the following structure:

  • Trigger: Watch events in Microsoft 365 Calendar.

  • Action: Plumsail Start Documents Generation Process.

Create an invitation from Microsoft 365 Calendar

Trigger settings

We use a Microsoft trigger called Watch events in Microsoft 365 Calendar.

It’s checking new events in the Microsoft 365 Calendar and starts the scenario once new event is added.

The trigger has some settings that help to adjust it for specific calendars and events.

Microsoft 365 Calendar trigger settings

Plumsail Documents action

The next step is adding an action. If you’re using the Plumsail actions for the first time you’ll need to sign in to your Plumsail Account from Make.

We use Start Document generation process action and select a process that creates an invitation from a DOCX template.

Plumsail action settings

Then apply values from the Microsoft 365 Calendar trigger to populate the DOCX template.

Plumsail action settings

Delivery actions

Plumsail Processes provides many delivery options but you can also add a delivery action to your scenario and attach the result invitation: Plumsail Documents action returns an URL of the generated document.

Send Outlook message

Other examples

These are some other examples of Make and Plumsail integration.

Create documents from online database

This scenario works when a new record is added to an online database, for example, Airtable.

  • Trigger: AirTable Watch Records

  • Action: Plumsail Start Documents Generation Process.

Create documents from AirTable

Generate documents with data collected from a form

Let’s say you have a Google form with some questions. Collect the data and generate a new document with this.

  • Trigger: Google Forms Watch Responses

  • Action: Plumsail Start Documents Generation Process

Create documents from Google Form

Generate documents when an item is created in a SharePoint list

When a new item is added to a SharePoint list start the document generation process with the item’s data.

  • Trigger: Microsoft SharePoint Online Watch items

  • Action: Plumsail Start Documents Generation Process

Generate documents when an item is created in a SharePoint list