Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools


The size of a chart on a page

The title of the chart. Leave it empty if you need to hide the title.


Stack series
Indicates whether multiple groups displayed as a separate series should be stacked. The option is ignored if the chart contains a single series.

Type of stack
Normal – the value of the stack is the sum of all values in the category
100% – the value of the stack is 100%. All values in the category are distributed proportionally to their values.

Display markers
Indicates whether the series markers are visible.

Type of markers
The shape of the markers: circle, square, triangle, and cross.

Indicates interpolation of the line charts. Applicable to Line, Area, Rada Line, and Scatter Line charts.

Missing values
Indicates how the gaps in the data set should be processed. Available values: gap, interpolate, and zero.

The opacity of the series.


Display legend
Indicates whether the legend is visible.

The template of the legend titles. If the data set is grouped and the chart displays each group as a separate series, you can insert group fields into the legend by containing fields within #= … #

#= field1 # #= value #. Revenue: #= Total #, Avg. order: #= AvgOrder #

The position of the legend.


Display tooltips
Indicates whether the tooltips are visible.

The format of the tooltips.

The template of the tooltips. Available objects: category, dataItem, series, value.


Display labels
Indicates whether the labels are visible.

The position of the labels.

The label alignment. Supported by donut and pie charts.

The format of the labels.

The template of the labels. Available objects: category, dataItem, series, value, percentage.

Category axis

Label format
The format of the labels.

Label template
The template of the labels. Available objects: dataItem, value.

Crossing index
Category index at which the value axis crosses the category axis.

Display major grid lines
Indicates whether the major grid lines are visible.

Display minor grid lines
Indicates whether the minor grid lines are visible.

Display crosshair
Indicates whether the category axis crosshair is visible.

Value axis

Format of labels
The format of the labels.

Label template
The template of the labels. Available objects: value.

Crossing value
Value at which the category axis crosses the value axis.

Major unit
The interval between major divisions.

Display major grid lines
Indicates whether the major grid lines are visible.

Display minor grid lines
Indicates whether the minor grid lines are visible.

Display crosshair
Indicates whether the value axis crosshair is visible.

The minimum and maximum values of the value axis.

The type of the value axis: numeric or logarithmic.


Format of labels
The format of the labels.

Label template
The template of the labels. Available objects: value.

Crossing value
Value at which the X-axis crosses the Y-axis.

Major unit
The interval between major divisions.

Display major grid lines
Indicates whether the major grid lines are visible.

Display minor grid lines
Indicates whether the minor grid lines are visible.

Display crosshair
Indicates whether the X-axis crosshair is visible.

The minimum and maximum values of the X-axis.

The type of the X-axis: numeric or logarithmic.


Format of labels
The format of the labels.

Label template
The template of the labels. Available objects: value.

Crossing value
Value at which the Y-axis crosses the X-axis.

Major unit
The interval between major divisions.

Display major grid lines
Indicates whether the major grid lines are visible.

Display minor grid lines
Indicates whether the minor grid lines are visible.

Display crosshair
Indicates whether the Y-axis crosshair is visible.

The minimum and maximum values of the Y-axis.

The type of the Y-axis: numeric or logarithmic.


The shape of the indicator.

Vertical orientation
Indicates whether the scale is oriented vertically or horizontally. Supported by linear gauge only.

Minor unit
The interval between minor divisions.

Major unit
The interval between major divisions.

The minimum and maximum values of the scale.

The start and end angles of the radar gauge scale.


This section allows you to add multiple qualitative ranges with different colors.


Formats numbers and dates.




0Wed Oct 22 2014 16:14:42 GMT+0400
{0:hh:mm tt}12:00 AM


The string containing JavaScript expressions wrapped into #= … # that are processed at the rendering stage. Based on the context, the following JavaScript objects might be available:

  • category – the category name
  • dataItem – the original data item
  • series – the data series
  • value – the point value
  • percentage – the value represented as a percentage value (donut and pie charts).


#= value #
#= category # : #= value #
#= getCategoryByIndex(value.y) # : #= kendo.toString(value.size, 'c') #
#= kendo.toString(dataItem.date, "dd/MM") #