Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools

Sales Dashboard







Calculates and displays the total revenue from all orders.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List

    List: Orders
    Fields: Total

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: empty

    As you can see the empty field doesn’t exists in the data source. We use it here to calculate aggregate values over all rows in the data set because for each row it equals to “undefined”, thus we get a single group containing all items.

    Total = sum of Total


  • Chart
    Type: Linear Gauge
    Value: Total

Avg. order size

Calculates and displays the average order size.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List
    List: Orders
    Fields: Total

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: empty

    As you can see the empty field doesn’t exists in the data source. We use it here to calculate aggregate values over all rows in the data set because for each row it equals to “undefined”, thus we get a single group containing all items.

    AvgTotal = average of Total


  • Chart
    Type: Linear Gauge
    Value: Total

Revenue per Sales rep.

Displays the total revenue generated by each sales representative.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List
    List: Orders
    Fields: SalesRep, Total

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: SalesRep

    Total = sum of Total


  • Chart
    Type: Bar
    Display each group as a separate series: False
    Category: value
    Value: Total
    Aggregate over category: False

Sales distribution

Displays sales revenue by sales representatives, encoded as columns, as well as the cumulative revenue, encoded as a line. This chart is also known as Pareto chart or Pareto diagram.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List
    List: Orders
    Fields: SalesRep, Total

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: SalesRep

    Total = sum of Amount

  • Advanced:

    var handlers = {};
    handlers.aggregationSuccess = function (data, logger) {
        data.groups.sort(function (a, b) { return a.Total <= b.Total ? 1 : -1 });
        var total = 0;
        $.each(data.groups, function () {
            total += this.Total;
        $.each(data.groups, function () {
            this.Percentage = this.Total / total * 100;
        return true;

    The code above calculates individual rank of each sales representative in total revenue in percent.


  • Chart
    Type: Column
    Display each group as a separate series: False
    Category: value
    Value: Percentage
    Aggregate over category: False

  • Style
    Value axis:Label format: 0%

  • Advanced:

    var handlers = {};
    handlers.preRender = function (config, logger) {
        var data = [];
        $.each(config.series[0].data, function (i) {
            if (data.length == 0) {
            } else {
                data.push(this.Percentage + data[i - 1]);
            type: 'line',
            data: data
        logger.debug('Configuration: ', config);
        return true;

    Here we populate a new data series with cumulative values, that increase from one salesperson to the next, representing meaningful change. Next, we build a line chart based on the new data set.

Revenue per Category

Displays revenue by product category.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List
    List: OrderItems
    Fields: Amount, Product:Category

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: Product:Category

    Total = sum of Amount

  • Advanced:

    var handlers = {};
    handlers.aggregationSuccess = function (data, logger) {
        data.groups.sort(function (a, b) { return a.Total <= b.Total ? 1 : -1 });
        return true;

    Sorting groups by total revenue.


  • Chart
    Type: Bar
    Display each group as a separate series: False
    Category: value
    Value: Total
    Aggregate over category: False

Revenue per Country

Displays revenue by customer's country.

Data Source

  • SharePoint List
    List: Orders
    Fields: Customer:Country, Total

  • Aggregation:
    Group by: Customer:Country

    Total = sum of Total

  • Advanced:

    var handlers = {};
    handlers.aggregationSuccess = function (data, logger) {
        data.groups.sort(function (a, b) { return a.Total <= b.Total ? 1 : -1 });
        return true;

    Sorting groups by total revenue.


  • Chart
    Type: Bar
    Display each group as a separate series: False
    Category: value
    Value: Total
    Aggregate over category: False