Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools

Why we do not schedule list level workflows and how to deal with it

We believe that most of tasks can be done using site level workflows.

Workflow Scheduler supports SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 site level workflows. But generally, it was developed for SharePoint 2013 workflows, because they allow to get multiple items and iterate through them.
Other our product Workflow Actions Pack has workflow action Get items by CAML Query. This workflow action allows to query list items using CAML query. Once you got list items by query, you can iterate through them using loop and process them as you want. Thus, you can process multiple list items using site level workflow. This article will help you to learn how to query list items by CAML and iterate through them using loop.

Scheduling list level workflows were necessary in SharePoint 2010 workflows, because they didn’t support loops. Now you can use all benefits of SharePoint 2013 workflows to build solutions with good architecture.

You do not need to track execution of multiple workflows. At one moment it can become real headache. Now you can track execution of single workflow, it really helps to debug your solution.

Anyway if you need to start list level workflows you can do this from site level workflow. Just create site level workflow and use Start a List Workflow (2013) workflow action.