Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Apr 29, 2019

Publish custom forms to modern pages in SharePoint

Customer Support Engineer

With the latest addition to Plumsail Forms, you can now publish your SharePoint and Public Web Forms using our updated web part:


This allows you to publish custom SharePoint forms to any site or site collection on the tenant, it doesn’t have to be the same site.


As long as users have the appropriate permissions for the source list of the form, they’ll be able to view, edit or create new items, depending on the published form:


All types of forms are supported — New, Edit and Display forms can be added. Item’s ID can either be specified as a constant:


Or selected from URL’s query parameters:


Which you can then add to URL, before sharing it with a colleague:


You can even publish multiple forms within the same page!


As a final touch, you can customize your form to be unique for each user and situation. For example, you can have a unique form just for this web part, but otherwise, open a different default form, or you can use multiple conditions for routing to a correct Form Set.

// if opened a regular form, open this Form Set
if (host === 0)
    return '568be5c6-383e-4903-ab5b-aeef7f1e76ae';

// if opened in SharePoint panel, open this Form Set
if (host === 1)
    return '87a5e162-3fe5-4459-8527-e1c04e14621f';

// if opened in the Web Part, open this Form Set
if (host === 2)
    return '719a0769-1c0a-4a6c-8dcf-57abc8a7d71a';

If you’ve had Plumsail Forms installed before, simply update the app package in your App Catalog and clean the cache to get access to the new web part.

If you haven’t used our product yet, give Plumsail Forms a try — we include a Free Trial for 30 days, after which you can decide if the product works for you or not.

More information on how this works can be found in our documentation. If you have any questions, contact us at support@plumsail.com!

Note: The post has been originally published at Medium: