Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Jul 11, 2022

Public forms tips and tricks: Advanced use of the Data Table control

Customer Support Engineer

Tables come in handy when creating forms, such as an order form, an event registration form, or a job application form. Most online form solutions do not offer any possibility to manipulate tables or provide feature-restricted widgets; however, Plumsail online forms give you the ultimate capabilities in working with tables.

In this post, I will tell you how to populate columns, calculate totals, and fill the table from an external source.

You can try out the examples from this post on a real form to see how they work:

Use this template

Populate column values based on other columns

Suppose you have an order form. You add a table to the form with two columns product and price. It would be nice to automatically populate the price column when users select a particular item in the first column:

Populate Column

With JavaScript code you can easily achieve this. You can find the code sample in our documentation.

Calculate total for the row

Users want to select the quantity and know how much they will pay for each item in the list. You add the Quantity and Total column to the product list and the code to calculate the total for the row:

Line Total

Calculate total for the table

The next level is calculating the total price for all products in the table. Add a field to the form to store the total for the whole order. Then, add the code from our documentation.

That way, when users add a new product to the list and select a quantity, the total price will be recalculated:

Order Total

Populate table from external data source

You can also populate a data table from an external file stored on GitHub, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. For instance, add a button to the form that fills the Data Table with a set of items:

Repeat Order

Get started

These are just a few of the most common examples of what can be done with tables. Create a free account to design your first form with a table from scratch or use one of the ready-made templates.

Find more information and examples in Plumsail forms documentation, or contact the support team to get help with your ideas.