Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Jan 27, 2022

Invite team members to Plumsail account and share products functionality

Lead Marketing Specialist

We're so happy to release this new feature - an ability to invite team members to the Plumsail account, which means sharing access to the Plumsail products and their functionality and settings across multiple teams. Invited members can use all the features inside the Plumsail account as if they were its owners.

These are just a few examples of new opportunities you're getting with this feature:

  1. For example, if you're using Plumsail Documents, you can invite your teammates to work together on document generation processes.

  2. If you're using Plumsail web forms, you will share access to its functionality, so invited users can create new web forms, adjust existing ones, see the submission stats.

  3. You don't need to share API keys in messaging apps or by email anymore! Invited members can manage them (use existing or create new ones).

Let's see how it works.

Manage your team - invite and remove members

To get to the Manage teams panel, click on your email address on the top center and select 'Manage teams' from the dropdown:


Here you can manage your own team - rename it, invite new members, remove existing ones.


Manage teams you belong to

If someone invites you to their team, you will receive the invitation by email. Once you accept it, you'll see the team you've just joined in the list of teams you belong to.

You can leave the team at any time by simply clicking on the crossed link icon.


Check the detailed description of all options in the documentation.

Contact us if any questions

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at support@plumsail.com