Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Jun 24, 2019

Select SharePoint items to convert to PDF and send in an email

Customer Support Engineer

Plumsail Forms offers you an ability to place any SharePoint List or Document Library right on the form with the use of List or Library control.

Now, this control also allows selection of multiple items:


With a bit of JavaScript, we can add a new button to the control, which can then be used to send requests to MS Flow:


Microsoft Flow can be started on Request, so that’s what we select:


After collecting the data, with the use of Plumsail Documents, we can create a new PDF document:


Which will look like this, when we receive it:


You can find a detailed instruction on how to configure both forms and Flow in our documentation.

Note: The post has been originally published at Medium: