Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Aug 29, 2022

New automatic numbering in templating syntax

Lead Marketing Specialist

We, at Plumsail Documents, want to make your document generation as flexible as possible. Meet a new automatic numbering feature for documents created from templates.

Automatically assign invoice and quote numbers

An automatic numbering token is available to use in the Processes, a Plumsail Documents tool for document automation. It works quite simply.

You insert an automatic numbering token {{@number}} into your document template.

insert invoice number

This token will count generated documents and apply the corresponding value. That could be handy for documents with sequential numeric identifiers: invoices, quotes, and others.

By default, the counter starts from one, but it's possible to set a custom value to start numbering. So, if you're about to switch to document generation, and your invoices, or any other documents, already count, you will be able to continue numbering.

set custom value

Use along with current date placeholder

Use an automatic numbering token along with the current date token to avoid mistakes and inconsistencies in your invoices, quotes, and other documents. Simply insert the current date token - {{@date}} - to automatically add the current date and time to documents. Adjust it to any format according to your requirements.

Use in email messages and output file names

To make messages you send along with generated documents more personalized, use automatic numbering and date tokens in the email subject and body.

tokens in delivery

Also, you can use predefined tokens for numbering and dates in the filenames of generated documents.

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