Last updated: Nov 29, 2024

How to access SharePoint Online list data from public web forms via Azure Function, Entra ID app, and Microsoft Graph API

Co-Founder at Plumsail

In this article, I will show you how to get SharePoint list data in Azure Function using Entra ID app and Microsoft Graph API and expose it for anonymous access. I will request the exposed data with JavaScript from a public web form designed with Plumsail Forms for populating options in a dropdown field. Once a user selects an option in this field, I will send another request for getting all column values of the selected item and populating other fields of the same form.

Fill your public web form with data from a SharePoint list



What is Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft Graph API is a unified REST API for programmatic interaction with all Microsoft 365 services—OneDrive, Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, Calendar, Bookings and others. As it provides overwhelming capabilities, you can granulate permissions to the API via Entra ID apps. Say, in this example, I only granted read access to SharePoint data. But if you want to also update items in SharePoint, send emails in Outlook, post messages to Teams, you must provide corresponding permissions.

There are two levels of permissions—Application and Delegated. Application permissions allow the app to get access to requested resources without any limitations and further interactions with users once the permissions are granted by a tenant administrator. The app with delegated access in opposite always acts on behalf of a specific user and is therefore limited to the actions the user is authorized to perform. To get items from SharePoint, I'll use Application permissions.


Register an app with Microsoft identity platform

First of all, we need to register an Entra ID app and grant read access to SharePoint via Microsoft Graph API. To complete this step, you must be a tenant administrator.

Navigate to App registrations in Entra admin center

  • Click New registration and give your app some name, Azure Functions (Demo) in my case
  • Leave the Supported account types on the default setting of Accounts in this organizational directory only
  • Click Register

Register an Entra ID app

  • In Overview, copy the Application (client) ID of your app and save it somewhere. We will use it in Azure Function.

Copy Application (client) ID of your Entra ID app

Now, we need to provide the app with read access to SharePoint data:

  • Navigate to API Permissions and click Add a permission
  • Under the Microsoft APIs tab, select Microsoft Graph
  • Choose Application permissions since we do not want to perform operations as a certain user. In the list of specific permissions, select Sites Sites.Read.All
  • Click Add permissions
  • Finally, click Grant admin consent to provide access to your SharePoint tenant

Grant admin consent to your app

The last step is creating a client secret for our app to use it in Azure Function:

  • Navigate to Certificate & secrets and click New client secret
  • Enter any description, specify lifetime, click Add
  • Save the created secret key somewhere.


Deploy an Azure Function

You can deploy a function for getting data from SharePoint Online directly from our GitHub repository. No need to modify source code to specify the app or the data source settings, all of them can be configured via the Function App's environment variables after the deployment:

  • Create a Function App in your Azure portal.
  • Select .NET as Runtime stack and 8 (LTS) isolated as its version.

Create Azure Function app

Fork GitHub repository

  • Return to the Function App and navigate to Deployment Deployment center:
  • In the Source, select GitHub and sign into your account
  • Select your fork of the data-source-functions repository

Configure repository for your Azure Function

  • Click Save

Once the project is built and deployed, you will see the functions in your Function App. Now, we need to define its environment variables to get access to our SharePoint list.

  • Open the Function App and navigate to Settings Environment variables
  • Add the following properties to the App settings list:
The Application (client) ID of the Entra ID app

The Client secret of the Entra ID app

Your Microsoft 365 tenant, ex.: contoso.onmicrosoft.com

The absolute URL of the source site, ex.: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/mysite

The name of the source list


Finally, we need to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for our app to allow JavaScript requests from our web form:

  • Open API CORS
  • Add “*” to Allow Origins and remove all other values

Configure CORS for Azure Function

OK, now we need to copy the SharePoint-ListData function URL to use it in our web form:

  • Open Overview SharePoint-ListData function:
  • Click Get function URL and copy its URL:

Copy Azure Function URL


Populate dropdown options

Now, we can use the Azure Function for getting SharePoint list data from a public web form created with Plumsail Forms. First, I will populate a dropdown field with SharePoint list items.

I need to copy the field's name to use it in JavaScript for getting access to the field:

Copy field name in Plumsail Forms

Next, take the URL of the SharePoint-ListData function and remove {id} from it. Without this parameter, the function returns all items from the list, should be like this:


And then, switch to JavaScript editor and paste the code in it:

fd.rendered(() => {
    const issueField = fd.field('Issue');
    const issueWidget = issueField.widget;
            transport: {
                read: '-- URL of SharePoint-ListData (without {id}) --'
            schema: {
                // transforming results from Microsoft Graph API to the list of flat objects: {id, title}
                data: items => {
                    return items.map(i => ({id: i.id, title: i.fields.additionalData.Title}));

    // the Issue dropdown will show the Title, but its value will be the ID.
    issueWidget.setOptions({dataTextField: 'title', dataValueField: 'id'});

Now, after rendering the form, expand the dropdown and you will find all SharePoint items here:

Dropdown populated from SharePoint list


Populate fields based on the selection

Next step is populating other fields based on the selection in the dropdown field. Get back to the JavaScript editor and add the function for requesting a selected SharePoint item by its id and populating fields from its properties:

async function populateIssueDetails(itemId) {
    // Replace {id} in SharePoint-ListData URL with itemId
    const response = await fetch(`https://{your-function-app}.azurewebsites.net/api/sp/items/${itemId}?code=...`);
    if (response.ok) {
        const item = await response.json();
        fd.field('Description').value = item.Description;
        fd.field('Priority').value = item.Priority;
        fd.field('Status').value = item.Status;
        fd.field('DateReported').value = item.DateReported;
    } else {
        fd.field('Description').value = 
            fd.field('Priority').value = 
            fd.field('Status').value = 
            fd.field('DateReported').value = null;

Finally, we need to call this function when a user changes the selection:

fd.rendered(() => {
    const issueField = fd.field('Issue');
    issueField.$on('change', v => populateIssueDetails(v));

Simple, isn't it?

Populate public web form with data from SharePoint Online


Allow anonymous users to add or edit SharePoint list items

If you also need to modify data in SharePoint after submitting a form, you can do it either via Power Automate or the same Azure Function with following adjustments:

  • Add editing permissions for your app: Sites Sites.ReadWrite.All and grant admin consent
  • Add URL of your Azure Function to Webhooks in Settings Notifications in Plumsail Forms designer. Now, after submitting a form, all its data will also be sent to your function.
  • In the Azure Function, extract data from request's body and create or update item in SharePoint with GraphServiceClient.



Here, I demonstrated how to use data from SharePoint in a public web form. The same way you can retrieve data from other SharePoint lists, Microsoft 365 apps, or any services which expose public API.

Of course, this is a simple example and might not fully meet your needs. It's just to demonstrate how to integrate public forms with SharePoint Online via Azure Functions and Microsoft Graph API. Feel free to share your specific use cases in our community, and we'll be happy to address them in future posts.