Feb 27, 2019

Forms for different languages in SharePoint

Customer Support Engineer

Modern SharePoint sites support multiple languages. You might have users with different language preferences working on the same site. This significantly affects user experience — SharePoint automatically translates most of the site.


Plumsail Forms offers a solution for users who want these changes to apply to custom List and Library forms. You can now design forms for the same List, the same content type, and create different forms for content type’s translations.


Bilingual forms and more

You can create forms for two, or however many languages you need — all within the same site.

How does it work? You can check user's language with JavaScript code and redirect a specific Form set created for them. More on that in our article on providing unique forms for different languages


We hope this new addition to Plumsail Forms will make it much easier for you to support multilingual sites.

If you have any questions, let us know in our community!

Note: The post has been originally published at: