Documents & Forms
Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Tools
Classic SharePoint Tools
Jul 28, 2022

Public forms tips and tricks: How to embed interactive content

Customer Support Engineer

Embedding a file or video into a form is a simple and effective way to extend the functionality of the form and improve its appearance.

With Plumsail online forms, you can easily integrate any code right into the form using HTML control. In this post, I will show you some examples.

Create a free account to design your first form with an embedded HTML code snippet or use one of the ready-made templates.

Embed video

You can add any video from any website on your form. You will only need the embed code from the site where the video is hosted.

Copy the code, paste it to the HTML control, and, voilà, you have a great looking engaging form:


Embed Google Maps

In a similar way, you can embed a Google map on the form to show your business location on the contact form, the pickup point on the order form, or the event location on your registration form:


Embed document

You can display a page or a PDF file on the form. For instance, to allow users to read your privacy policy, terms & conditions, delivery & returns options, etc.:


Embed payment buttons

Furthermore, you can integrate payment buttons by adding a simple HTML code. Embed PayPal, Stripe, or Google pay buttons to allow users to purchase goods or donate without leaving the form:


Get started

There are a lot more that you can do by embedding a code to the form. Create a Plumsail account and design your unique form today.