Statuses customization

Ticket Statuses list

You can translate ticket statuses into a language other than English. All ticket statuses are stored in the “Ticket Statuses” list that could be found in the “Site Contents” page.

Ticket Statuses List

Each status has two fields:


A display name of the status. This value is displayed in the UI: views, forms and etc.

Internal Name

An internal name of the status that is used in triggers, e-mail synchronization, and other core processes.

By default, there are three statuses and two of them are “system” (“New” and “Solved”). “System” status means that you cannot remove it or change its “Internal Status” field.

To translate the statuses, change their “Name” field.

Edit ticket status

How Statuses list is connected to Tickets list

As it was said above, “Ticket Statuses” list has two fields — Display Name and Internal Name. These fields are correlating with fields from “Tickets” list. There could be found two fields: Status and Internal Status. Status field gets its value from Display Name and Internal Status gets information from Internal Name.

Look at this picture to understand how fields are connected.

From Tickets to Statuses

Setting default status in ticket form

By default the Send button sets the Pending status to a ticket once you submit a new comment.

Send and pending button

You can change the Pending status to another one with some quick ticket form customization.

Let’s check how to change it to In progress.


This option is available starting from HelpDesk version 2.1.25

  1. Connect to your HelpDesk site using Plumsail Forms application.


And then connect to the Tickets list.

Tickets List

Please check out the detailed instructions in the article.

  1. Once you connected to the ticket Edit form, click on the <save-as /> text.

Save as text

  1. Enter this value to the Content field and save the settings.

<save-as default-status="in progress"/>

Send in progress

  1. As a result, the Send button sets In Progress status to a ticket by default.

Send in progress result

  1. You can also save a current status in the Send button. In that case it keeps the latest selected status.

For this, add the code to the ticket form.

<save-as default-status="current"/>

Send and current status

Advanced scenario

It’s also possible to set a default status for the Send button programmatically using the JavaScript API.

Open the JavaScript editor and enter the code.Then click Save.

fd.spBeforeRender(function(vue) {
  const FormAPI = Plumsail.HelpDesk.FormAPI;
  const defaultStatusId = 2;

  FormAPI.getComponent('save-as').then(component => {

Send Status JavaScript

In this code we use const defaultStatusId = 2 to set the status value. The number means a status ID from the Ticket statuses list. You can find the list on the Site settings page.

Statuses list