Our API is REST based. Thus, you can use any programming language that is able to execute web requests. For example, you would use C#, PowerShell, node.js, Python, PHP.
There are a lot of ready to use helper REST API clients for those languages. Here are just a few of them:
RestSharp for C#
Invoke-RestMethod cmdlets for PowerShell
request - Simplified HTTP client for node.js
Requests: HTTP for Humans for Python
Guzzle for PHP
Here you can see a couple of examples of using HelpDesk REST API using curl command line tool or raw HTTP requests.
This is an example of a raw request to get tickets:
GET https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets?$select=SupportChannel&$filter=SupportChannel%20eq%20'API'&$orderBy=ID%20desc&$top=100 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Host: helpdesk-services.plumsail.com
And this is cURL representation for it:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-HD-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets?$select=SupportChannel&$filter=SupportChannel%20eq%20'API'&$orderBy=ID%20desc&$top=100'
This is an example of a raw request to create a ticket:
POST https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"subject": "Printer Issues",
"body": "My printer is not working. Please help. ASAP.",
"requesterEmail": "m.cane@example.com",
"priority": "High",
"tagTitles": [
"attachments": [
"Name": "error.txt",
"Content": "BASE64_FILE_CONTENT"
"customFields": {}
And this is cURL representation for it:
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-HD-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ \
"subject": "Printer Issues", \
"body": "My printer is not working. Please help. ASAP.", \
"requesterEmail": "m.cane%40example.com", \
"priority": "High", \
"tagTitles": [ \
"Printers" \
], \
"attachments": [ \
{ \
"Name": "error.txt", \
"Content": "BASE64_FILE_CONTENT" \
} \
], \
"customFields": {} \
}' 'https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets'
This is an example of a raw request to delete a ticket:
DELETE https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets/1 HTTP/1.1
And this is cURL representation for it:
curl -X DELETE --header 'X-HD-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets/1'
This is an example of a raw request to update a ticket:
PUT https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets/18 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"assignedToEmail": "j.davis@example.com",
"status": "In progress",
"category": "Problem",
"priority": "Normal",
"dueDate": "2018-05-07",
"ccEmails": [
"j.davis@example.com", "m.smith@example.com"
And this is cURL representation for it:
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-HD-ApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ \
"assignedToEmail": "j.davis@example.com", \
"status": "In progress", \
"category": "Problem", \
"priority": "Normal", \
"dueDate": "2018-05-07", \
"ccEmails": [ \
"j.davis%40example.com", "m.smith%40example.com" \
] \
}' 'https://helpdesk-services.plumsail.com/_api/v4/Tickets/18'