Appearance settings

You can hide or display the SharePoint out of the box quick launch bar, customize HelpDesk navigation and select the Heldpesk text editor for ticket replies.


If you are using Plumsail HelpDesk with version older than 2.1.1, please follow this link to learn about Appearance settings for your version of HelpDesk.

Navigate to Settings tab using the left navbar:

Settings Navigation Icon

Then click on the Appearance button. Now you can see the quick launch display setting, the text editor version and a list of HelpDesk navigation elements.

Navigation Sets

Top menu customization

HelpDesk top menu is a set of links  with different ticket views. You can customize them by adding a new button with a view or URL to external site. You can drag the existing links to change their order as well.

To add a new item to top navigation, click “New top menu item”.

New top menu item

You will see a dialog window where you need provide a title for a new item and select ticket view. If you choose a link instead of view, please provide an URL.

Creation of the new item

Don’t forget to save a new item. After adding this new element you can drag it to change the links’ order

Change the items order

If you have troubles with deleting the item, open your browser’s console and type localStorage.clear() there. Then renew the page.

Editor settings

Starting from version 2.1.18 we added a possibility to select the Heldpesk text editor for ticket replies.

Apperance Editor Settings

There are 2 available options: Light and Rich.

Light editor is a new lightweight text editor for ticket replies.

Light Editor

Rich editor is the old one, before 2.1.18 version of the Helpdesk.

Rich Editor

How to change home page

You can change the default Home page in the Appearance settings. Specify the new URL in the field and click save button.

Change the home page url