Add custom ticket views to widget (legacy widgets)

HelpDesk has “Active” and “Solved” tabs by default. Each one is based on a widget view of the “Tickets” list. You can add views to classify tickets and make working with them more convenient for requesters. Let’s create a widget that will have a tab for displaying only active tickets with category “Incident.”

I create a widget and click Add view:

Add widget

There is a separate form for configuration of view:

Widget configuration form

I name the view in the Title field as “Incidents” and set the number of displayed tickets to 10. You can display 100 Tickets per page maximum. You specify what fields should be displayed in the view. For this specific case, I assume that the requester will not need such fields as “Created” and “Last comment date” so I delete them from the Display fields. On the contrary, I find it helpful to add the fields “CC,” “Due date” and “Category”:

Basic fields

By specifying the CAML-query you control what ticket will be displayed in the view. Some parts of it, you shaped in a user-friendly format through filling the fields, but the content of the Where element should be marked-up as per schema requirements. Put its child elements in the CAML query field on the form. The query can contain one of these tokens:

  • {{Me.ID}}—ID of the contact who is currently logged into the widget. The ID corresponds to an “ID” field on the HelpDesk “Contacts” list.

  • {{Me.Email}}—Email address of the contact who is currently logged into the widget. The email corresponds to an “Email” field on the HelpDesk “Contacts” list.

  • {{Me.Organization.ID}}—Orgnization ID of the contact who is currently logged into the widget.

In this case, I would like to display the tickets raised by the current user and which have the “Incident” category. First, let’s filter the ones raised by a current user. In the filter, I check whether the lookup field “Requester” refers to the user’s ID so I leave the first part of the default query:

   <FieldRef Name='Requester' LookupId='True' />
   <Value Type='Lookup'>{{Me.ID}}</Value>

Then, I add another filter that leaves only the tickets with the “Incident” category:

   <FieldRef Name='Category' />
   <Value Type='Choice'>Incident</Value>

And finally, I unite both conditions with a logical operator “And.” That is how it looks on the form:

Query field

Thus, a user can see their incident tickets separately from others:

Active tickets

Incident tickets

Now, try to reproduce the described example and then implement your own views. Your clients will appreciate convenient and clear communication