Installation of HelpDesk SharePoint Framework package


You have to be a SharePoint administrator to complete the installation.

If you don’t see some menus from the instruction below, most likely you are not a SharePoint administrator.

Please contact your administrator to assist with the installation.

Download add-in

Download the add-in from our website depending on the region of your installation:


If you’re unsure about which version of the package to download, check the information about the region of your installation on the HelpDesk settings -> About page.

HelpDesk Region


Navigate to SharePoint Admin Center (/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx/):


Go to ‘More features’ - ‘Apps’


Navigate to Manage apps and upload Add-in package that you downloaded at the beginning of this instruction (you need to upload the entire .sppkg file without unpacking it):


Select “Enable this app and add it to all sites” in the popup and click “Enable app”.
