Contacts is a directory of persons that HelpDesk is aware of. There are three predefined contact roles:
SharePoint user that processes tickets.
SharePoint user that creates tickets.
User without SharePoint account who creates tickets by email.
Navigate to Contacts using the navigation menu. Use the “Contacts” list to manage information about everyone who operates HelpDesk. End-Users and Members are created automatically when a new ticket is received by email. A requester who has a SharePoint account is assigned a Member role. A requester who doesn’t have a SharePoint account is assigned an End-User role. You have to manually add all Agents who work with HelpDesk.
Click on the contact’s name to open the full details form. You will see the contact’s card with information about organization, email address, phone number, role, and time zone. There are also two views with recent tickets related to the current contact:
Recent tickets that were requested by the contact.
Recent tickets that the current contact is an assignee of.
The views are visible only if there are tickets related to the current contact.
Additional information about the contact contains:
Look up to Organizations list item. You can create a new organization without leaving the currently opened form by clicking “Add new”.
Defines the role of the current person on the HelpDesk site:
SharePoint user who processes tickets.
SharePoint user who creates tickets.
User without a SharePoint account who creates tickets by email.
Either one is displayed, depending on the current person’s role. If the contact is an agent or a member – his or her name becomes a link to the SharePoint user page, otherwise, the Email is displayed.