Email settings

You can configure HelpDesk to create new tickets or ticket comments with email messages as well as specify some custom settings for the email address used for notifications.

Navigate to settings using the icon on the navbar:

Settings Navigation Icon

You will see “Email settings” section. Email Settings

You can choose how to receive or send emails:

  • Select “IMAP/SMTP server” mode to use IMAP and SMTP server.

  • Select “Outlook for Business” if you want to use Outlook Online mailbox. When this mode is selected, “IMAP/SMTP server” settings are ignored.


Incoming email settings

If you want to receive new tickets from your support email address you need to configure incoming email settings:

Incoming email settings

Outgoing email settings

To send notifications HelpDesk needs SMTP server settings. Fill in SMTP server settings:

Outgoing email settings

By default HelpDesk uses the same address and password as you specified in incoming settings. But you can uncheck this option and specify them manually:

Outgoing email settings

Outlook for Business

“Outlook for Business” mode uses Microsoft Graph REST API. To call Microsoft Graph, your app must be registered with the Microsoft identity platform and be authorized by either a user or an administrator to access the Microsoft Graph resources it needs. By registering the application, you do not give any external service access to your mail. Only HelpDesk installed on your server will use these rights to read/send email messages. Please follow steps below to register your app and grant necessary permissions.

Prepare Azure AD application

Go to and open “App registrations” section. Click “New registration”.

New registration

Enter name and click “Register”

New registration screen

Click “Add a certificate or secret”

Secret link

Click “New secret”, fill description, select any expiration time and click “Add”

Add secret

Client secret values cannot be viewed, except for immediately after creation. Be sure to save the secret when created before leaving the page.

Copy secret

Go to “API Permissions” section. Click “Add permission”.

Find and select the following permissions:

  • Mail.Read

  • Mail.ReadWrite

  • Mail.Send

Make sure to select “Application permissions” for them:

Application permissions

Click “Add permissions”.

Add permissions

Grant permissions.

Grant permissions

Your app is ready.

Granted permissions

Now you can fill “Outlook for Business” parameters and click “Save”.

Azure params

SP params

Click “Test connection” to check if everything is correct. Helpdesk will check ability to send and receive emails by sending a test message, you can safely delete it.

Test message

Email messages synchronization

You can notice small widget “Sync service status” at the first picture. It is responsible for conversion of incoming email messages into tickets. Click “Start” to enable synchronization:

Sync service status

You can choose “Sync from current date” or “Sync from specific date”. Second option is especially useful if you have a lot of messages in your inbox and want to start synchronization from current date without conversion of old messages to tickets.

Once you started sync service, it will run synchronization periodically (5 minutes interval). If you want to sync messages right now, click “Sync now”:

Sync now

You can interrupt synchronization any time by stopping the service.