SharePoint On-Premises

Check list for workflow manager server

  1. Check https://[wfms]:12290 or https://[wfms]:12291 if they are responding

  2. Check WorkflowMgmtPool is started

  3. Following services are running:

    Workflow Manager Backend
    Service Bus Message Broker
    Service Bus Gateway
    Windows Fabric Host Service (FabricHostSvc)
  4. Get workflow farm information, workflow database by Start Workflow Manager PowerShell Get-WFFarm

  5. Check if the Workflow Manager farm running (workflow service backend and front end should be running) by Start Workflow Manager PowerShell get-WFfarmStatus

  6. Check OAuth in accessible by https://[wfms]:12291/$SYSTEM/$Metadata/json/1 (more info Is the Oauth Metadata information published and accessible from the SharePoint server?)

  7. Restart the WorkflowServiceBackend service:

    net stop WorkflowServiceBackend
    net start WorkflowServiceBackend

If all is fine then probably something with Workflow Engine or Actions Pack.

Troubleshooting workflow engine

  1. Look in the Workflow History list, eg https://sp2013/Lists/Workflow%20History. Do you find any errors in there?

  2. Is the user account starting the workflow correctly synchronized in the user profile database?

  3. Is the user account starting the workflow different from the Workflow Manager setup account? (more info)

  4. Are the User Profile Service and App Management Service started? See the green frames in the screenshot below, taken from Central Administration \ Manage Services on Server

  1. Are the App Management Service Application and User Profile Service Application started? Their proxies should be started as well. See the green frames in the screenshot below, taken from Central Administration \ Manage Services on Server


Is SharePoint 2013 server connected?

In Central Admin -> Service Applications -> Workflow Service Application Proxy : check the status. Does it read Workflow is Connected as in the below screenshot?

Workflow Status

Is the Workflow Manager farm running?

On a server member of the Workflow Manager farm:

  1. Start Workflow Manager PowerShell

  2. Run the Get-WFFarmStatus command

  3. Are the statuses Running , as on the screenshot below?`

Workflow Status PowerShell

Is the Oauth Metadata information published and accessible from the SharePoint server?

On the SharePoint 2013 server, start Internet Explorer, and check whether theOauth metadatais accessible. The url is like “https://wfm1:12291/$SYSTEM/$Metadata/json/1”. Below an example:

OAuth JSon Info