Installation of Org Chart for SharePoint 2019 / SE as WSP package

The installation process consists of two parts:

  • Install services – web part will pull data from them.

  • Install SharePoint Framework add-in – it is a web part itself.

Download wsp-package and extract it from the downloaded zip archive. The archive contains wsp-package (Plumsail.OrgChart.2019.wsp) and SharePoint Framework package (plumsail-orgchart-sp-2019.sppkg). Place those files to one of the servers in your Sharepoint 2019/SE farm.

Install services

Run Sharepoint 2019/SE Management Shell as administrator:

Management shell 2019 WSP installation

Print Add-SPSolution [path to wsp-package] :

WSP installation

Open Central Administration as administrator and navigate to System SettingsManage farm solutions. Select plumsail.orgchart.2019.wsp and press Deploy Solution link:

Solution properties

Install SharePoint Framework add-in

Run SharePoint 2019/SE Central Administration as administrator on your server.

Central Administration

Navigate to Apps -> Manage App Catalog

Manage app catalog 2019

Navigate to Apps for SharePoint and upload Add-in package that you downloaded at the beginning of this instruction:

Upload app to catalog 2019

You need to select “Make this solution available to all sites in the organization” in the dialog. Once you did this you can add a web part to a page.

OrgChart 2019 trust

If you don’t want to make this app availalbe on all sites, you will need to add app to each site manually.

Adding web part to a page


If you use “Classic” SharePoint pages follow this instruction to add web part to a page.

Navigate to the page where you want to add an org chart.

Pick Plumsail Org Chart web part from the menu to add it to your page:

Add web part

Once you added the web part you can configure it.