How to filter lookup by another field: Choice, Lookup, or Person

Property of the lookup field Depends on allows you to set up a filter condition on a lookup field without any JavaScript. This way you can filter a lookup by variety of fields, starting with simple ones such as Single Line text and Choice, but also by single value Lookup or Person fields.


More advanced filter conditions are possible programmatically, you can find an example in our Filter by another field with JavaScript

Filter by choice field (or another text field)

If you have a choice field (or maybe a text field) that you want to match on the current form (or in the current List, it doesn’t have to be placed on the form itself) to the one in the lookup source list, all you have to do is select the field that the lookup will have to check in Depends on property and the field that you want it to match to in the Match to property:

Depends on Choice

In my lookup source list, I have the following Choice values available:

Lookup Source List Choice

And on the form, I will only be able to select lookup field when FilterChoice field matches the Choice field in the lookup source list:

Lookup filtered by Choice

Filter by lookup field

If you have a lookup field that you want to match on the current form (or in the current List, it doesn’t have to be placed on the form itself) to the one in the lookup source list, all you have to do is select the field that the lookup will have to check in Depends on property and the field that you want it to match to in the Match to property. It’s best to match lookup fields by ID:

Depends on Lookup

In my lookup source list, I have the following Lookup values available:

Lookup Source List Lookup

And on the form, I will only be able to select lookup field when FilterLookup field matches the Lookup field in the lookup source list:

Lookup filtered by Lookup

Filter by person field

If you have a person field that you want to match on the current form (or in the current List, it doesn’t have to be placed on the form itself) to the one in the lookup source list, all you have to do is select the field that the lookup will have to check in Depends on property and the field that you want it to match to in the Match to property. You can filter by Login, Display Name, Email or Department - just make sure that both selections match for Depends on and Match to properties:

Depends on Person

In my lookup source list, I have the following Person values available:

Lookup Source List Person

And on the form, I will only be able to select lookup field when FilterPerson field matches the Person field in the lookup source list:

Lookup filtered by Person